Produktai skirti inžinerija ir įranga (9)

Inžinerijos paslaugos

Inžinerijos paslaugos

Thanks to its highly-qualified and experienced staff, Syntech International Srl, can provide Clients with the best and up-to-date Process engineering solutions. Our Engineering services can be either basic or detailed, according to the specific needs of the project stage. These services constitute the so called “Engineering Package” and they are offered either to a main contractor within the framework of a global project, or directly to the plant-owner team for their internal project scope.
FTT PD Vandens Termoreguliatorius - Vandens Temperatūros Kontrolė

FTT PD Vandens Termoreguliatorius - Vandens Temperatūros Kontrolė

Most industrial process temperature control units work through the pressure exerted on the water of the process utilities: this is convenient in most “standard” cases, given the higher efficiency developed by the system. However, some critical process issues can make this type of operation difficult: this is the case of machines that leak fluids, or with leakage, and that it is not convenient to maintain on the spot. In such cases, it is therefore useful to work with a vacuum temperature control unit, which sucks in utility water. FTT PD water thermoregulators are flexible and effective systems, which can work under either pressure or vacuum depending on the peculiarities of the system. Any fluid losses are therefore minimized during operations. A simplicity of operation is also ensured by the touch-screen panel, also found on other Frigofluid temperature controllers. Models with an increased pump are also available for users characterized by high pressure drops. Temperature Range:up to 90°C
Rotorių balansavimas - Elektrinių variklių balansavimas

Rotorių balansavimas - Elektrinių variklių balansavimas

L'azienda Elettromeccanica Bergamini esegue il servizio di bilanciatura su giranti per ventilatori, pompe e su qualsiasi corpo rotante con dimensioni fino a 1.500 mm di diametro e 1000 kg di peso. L'equilibratura di un macchinario è sicuramente da verificare quando si sentono forti vibrazioni o rumori eccessivi. In azienda ogni apparecchiatura viene verificata e tarata.
TECNOVER Testarossa Superdiecimila Airless siurblys - Galingas ir universalus su benzininiu varikliu visiškam autonomiškumui

TECNOVER Testarossa Superdiecimila Airless siurblys - Galingas ir universalus su benzininiu varikliu visiškam autonomiškumui

Il metodo Airless garantisce una verniciatura ad altissima resa senza formazione di nebbia. Può capitare però, per problemi di logistica o contingenti, di avere necessità di operare con un’apparecchiatura completamente autonoma e non dipendente dalle linee elettriche. La pompa Airless serie Testarossa mod. Superdiecimila con motore a benzina soddisfa questa particolare esigenza. La macchina monta un motore Honda, per avere massima qualità ed assistenza, ed è abbinata al gruppo idraulico tramite un sistema a cinghia. Punto di forza della pompa Airless serie Testarossa mod. Superdiecimila a benzina è il suo raggio d’azione che arriva a 70 metri , sia in orizzontale che in prevalenza, permettendoti di non perdere tempo nel dover spostare la macchina durante l’utilizzo. I prodotti spruzzabili sono: smalti, vernici, antiruggine, primers, pitture lavabili, pitture silossaniche e al quarzo, tempere, incapsulanti per l’amianto, intumescenti, bicomponenti, resine epossidiche e molti altri.
FT Vandens Termoreguliatorius - Pramoninės Termoreguliavimo Vienetai

FT Vandens Termoreguliatorius - Pramoninės Termoreguliavimo Vienetai

FT water temperature controllers make it possible not only to cut down on the use of electrical power for heating (in fact, the heating elements remain off during steady-state operation), but they also make it possible to limit the cooling power spent on cooling by self-stabilizing through a process called Autotuning. This system also saves resources (water and energy) compared to units without them. They are designed to condition molds and cylinders for various industrial processes, including plastics and rubber molding and extrusion, and in the paper industry. Temperature Range:up to 110°C


TENUTE Tides Marine SureSeal ™
FTT DC Vandens termoreguliatorius - Pramoninės termoreguliavimo įrenginiai

FTT DC Vandens termoreguliatorius - Pramoninės termoreguliavimo įrenginiai

Often the main critical issue for molding industries is not achieving the temperatures needed for their processes, but maintaining them over time. Hence the usefulness of temperature control units that not only send the fluids needed to do the job up to temperature, but are capable of subsequent self-tuning. This is the way FTT DC water temperature controllers operate, which wrap direct cooling to stabilize fluid grades after the desired temperature has been reached. This requires integration with a source of cooled water: a simple well or a chiller or cooling system (chiller or dry cooler). Our engineers are available to determine which cooling solution is the most effective and economical. Not only that. The management of these successive heating-cooling steps is easier when done with a touch screen: a feature with which FTT DC temperature controllers are equipped. Units in the FTT category are specially designed to condition molds. Temperature Range:up to 140°C
Planuojama Priežiūra - Elektrinių Variklių ir Įrangos Priežiūra

Planuojama Priežiūra - Elektrinių Variklių ir Įrangos Priežiūra

Elettromeccanica Bergamini offre ai clienti il servizio di manutenzione programmata dei motori elettrici. Tra le attività di manutenzione eseguite: verifica dell'avvolgimento, controllo delle tolleranze, eventuale sostituzione di particolari danneggiati con ricambi originali e lubrificazione con ingrassaggio dei cuscinetti.